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Mexican generic viagra facts

15 Mar

Here are some facts that you should note down before you buy generic Viagra (Sildenafil).

Generic Viagra is a phosphodiesterase-5 inhibitor that works by way of blocking he agents found in the patient’s blood that otherwise would block the free blood flow in penile tissues, preventing the taker from achieving and maintaining sufficient erection required for a sexual intercourse. Please mind that the drug should be taken at least 30 minutes before the supposed sexual activity, and strict compliance with the rules of intake should be observed. Scan accurately through the list of generic Viagra contraindications as well as pharmacological and physiological incompatibilities before you start taking the drug.

The drug remains to be efficient in the patient’s organism for the ensuing 4 to 5 hours depending on personal peculiarities of the organism that can vary immensely from one patient to another. The patients who take generic Viagra point out that their sexual life becomes more enjoyable thanks to increased sensitivity of penile tissues and faster recharges coupled with better control over the length of the sexual act.

Caution should be taken with the dosage of the drug. Under no circumstances a double dose of the medicine should be taken; this will not result neither in a more prolonged or intensify effect, nor in a shortened reuptake period, but can only provoke development of adverse side effects, some of which can be very dangerous and cause permanent damages. Provided that you are following all of the recommendations given in the manufacturer’s manual absolute safety is guaranteed.

Keep in mind that no erection will be achieved unless a suitable sexual is provided. Do not take generic Viagra together with drinks containing alcohol or large amount of caffeine. If you experience palpitations, dizziness, difficult breathing, impaired vision or certain other conditions you should immediately discontinue the use of the drug until your physician gives you permission to recommence taking generic Viagra.

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However, certain patients need to have the regular dose of Sildenafil contained in one tablet of Viagra adjusted for them, therefore you should not skip the appointments with your doctor for monitoring your current health conditions and the possible changes caused by Sildenafil therapy.

Apply for your doctor’s help immediately if you experience abnormally prolonged erection that lasts more than 4 hours.

Generic Viagra, much the same as its brand equivalent, needs to be stored in a cool dry place away from the sources of hit and out of the reach of children and pets.

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